0345 4303 999


Our 24/7 CAFM Helpdesk ensures seamless communication and efficient handling of jobs and requests for our services and plays a pivotal role in delivering our unrivalled service excellence. We strive to forge long-lasting partnerships with our clients, through our CAFM, so it’s no surprise that Councils and NHS Trusts alike, stand by it!

  • Unparalleled Customer Experience Enables seamless logging and management of customer requirements through a user-friendly platform. It serves as a centralised hub for efficient communication and coordination between clients and our dedicated teams.

  • Comprehensive Services Allows customers to easily submit various requests, including additional services. We have designed our system to cater to diverse needs, ensuring accessible services on demand.

  • Efficiency Redefined Optimises workflows, ensuring swift responses and timely issue resolution. By leveraging technology, we enhance service delivery, consistently exceeding client expectations.

  • Transparent and Real-Time Updates Provides real-time updates on job progress, allowing clients to stay informed about the status of their requests.

  • Personalised Solutions Enables us to tailor our services to specific customer needs, ensuring personalised and customised solutions.

Our Helpdesk provides reliable support, empowering you to navigate challenges with ease.

Our Locations

Samson Security HQ

National Command Centre
92 High Street, Wavertree
Liverpool  L15 8HQ

Samson Security Midlands

Suite 2A Blackthorn House
St Pauls Square
Birmingham B3 1RL

Samson Security ARC

National Command Centre
92 High Street, Wavertree
Liverpool  L15 8HQ

Company Number: 4112644
Registered at: England and North Wales

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