0345 4303 999


Samson’s in-house Alarm Receiving Centre is built to BS EN 50518:2019 Category 1, the highest European Standard for an ARC, and is the only ARC built to this Standard in Merseyside.

Staffed by our expert professionals, services provided from our ARC include:

  • Intruder & Hold-Up Alarm Monitoring
  • Fire Alarm Monitoring
  • VSS/CCTV Monitoring
  • Lone Worker Monitoring
  • 24/7 Remote CCTV Maintenance via CheckMyCCTV™
  • Remote Open/Close
  • Keyholding
  • Direct link to police forces across the UK
  • 24/7 Support

All our Intruder Alarm, Fire Alarm and VSS Monitoring facilities are carried out in accordance with the legal requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015, BS EN 50518:2019 and BS 9518:2021, and strive to go above and beyond that of traditional on-site surveillance methods.

Our Alarm Receiving Centre is certificated by the SSAIB and is also accredited by Secured by Design, the flagship UK police initiative to help ‘design out’ crime through the use of high quality, innovative products, and processes, as meeting the ‘Police Preferred Specification’.

Our diverse surveillance monitoring systems are linked to the emergency services (police, fire and ambulance) to enable immediate response following all alarm activations.

As an ECHO-Connected ARC, we are able to pass on alarm signals directly to Police Force “Blues and Two’s” Despatchers via the ECHO platform, prioritised over ‘999’ alarms, saving up to 4 minutes in police response times to alarm incidents – potentially critical in an emergency situation.

Once monitoring of each given property has been established, the first step that we take is to inform and register with the local police force to confirm immediate police response should their attendance be required. 

Ideal for any commercial or public sector property, our Alarm Receiving Centre uses only the most cutting-edge digital technological advancements and transmission systems via LAN and Radio. 

To ensure a comprehensive VSS protection service, the following information outlines the four key stages:

  1. Intruders breach the perimeter of the property.
  2. Motion sensors detect intruders and send live images to the ARC
  3. Professionally trained ARC operators monitor live images and issue verbal warnings via on site horn speakers.
  4. Police, security key holders or the emergency services are immediately called to attend.


Constant protection, expertly handled. Our Alarm Receiving Centre keeps you secure.

In the case of any activations that may have occurred overnight, clients will receive a full breakdown report the following morning whereby all actions are logged.

Not only has VSS become a valuable and trusted tool in most working environments, it also compliments the appointment of security personnel. Once passwords have been pre-determined by each client, our ARC is able to remotely access the given premises to monitor the status of people accessing the building, i.e., delivery drivers and cleaners. While additional on-site officers would normally be required to oversee such arrivals, our advanced VSS systems alert us as soon as a person enters the site, which enables us to check their presence and allow them entry on the condition of password confirmation.

By combining the use of technology and personnel, the financial savings can be as much as 70% in comparison to the sole presence of static officers.

Our Locations

Samson Security HQ

National Command Centre
92 High Street, Wavertree
Liverpool  L15 8HQ

Samson Security Midlands

Suite 2A Blackthorn House
St Pauls Square
Birmingham B3 1RL

Samson Security ARC

National Command Centre
92 High Street, Wavertree
Liverpool  L15 8HQ

Company Number: 4112644
Registered at: England and North Wales

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