0345 4303 999


Samson recently awarded highest marks - 96.25% on the NHS SBS National Framework for 'Total Integrated Security'

We guarantee to enhance the security of your estate, with our innovations, whilst delivering proven cost saving solutions in the first year. Our strength is in our ability to tailor our clients security needs with our fully integrated, ‘In-House’ cost saving security solutions.

Samson provide ‘Total Integrated Security’ for the NHS, the following is a summary of our services, but this list is not exhaustive. We tailor security solutions to suit operations and provide cost savings by utilising our innovations.

  • Manned Guarding
  • Keyholding and Alarm Response
  • Intruder Alarm Monitoring and Installations
  • CCTV Monitoring and Management
  • Access Control
  • Remote Open – Close Service
  • Fire Alarm Servicing and Testing
  • Emergency Light Testing
  • Lone Working Devices
  • Dog Services

As well as covering various areas of Facilities Management, ranging from:

  • Cleaning – General – Deep Clean
  • Gardening and Grounds Maintenance
  • Gritting and Emergency Services
  • Window Cleaning
  • Pest Control

Our Locations

Samson Security HQ

National Command Centre
92 High Street, Wavertree
Liverpool  L15 8HQ

Samson Security Midlands

Suite 2A Blackthorn House
St Pauls Square
Birmingham B3 1RL

Samson Security ARC

National Command Centre
92 High Street, Wavertree
Liverpool  L15 8HQ

Company Number: 4112644
Registered at: England and North Wales

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