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Modern Slavery Policy

This policy confirms Samson Security’s commitment to ensuring there is no slavery of human trafficking in our supply chains and we do not work with any other business who takes part in and / or supports slavery or human trafficking.

What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery is when one person possesses or controls another person in such a way as to significantly deprive a person of their liberty with the intention of exploiting that person through their use, profit or disposal.

Our commitment

Samson Security is against any form of slavery and human trafficking, believing all humans should have the right to live a free life. We are in full support of the Modern Slavery Act, in effect as of 26th March 2016. Samson Security has zero tolerance on corruption and bribery. 

This policy confirms we are a company focused on equality, diversity, fair opportunities and have a strong ethical grounding on the way we should act as a business and as a society. 

To ensure we can support this act and the abolishment of slavery, we are committed to

  • Working in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act.

  • To ensure we will not partake in or work in partnership with a third party who partakes in and / or supports slavery.

  • To ensure the company publishes an annual anti-slavery statement when applicable.

  • Completing reviews on all our service partners annually.

  • Having a policy in place to encourage any concerns to be raised and to ensure the protection of whistle blowers.

  • To ensure we regularly visit our client’s premises and complete background checks on all our staff.

  • To ensure we work in accordance with the working time directive.

  • Where possible we build long standing relationships with our suppliers and customers.

Policy Review

This policy was last reviewed and agreed by the Board and seeks to be reviewed and updated annually. Any queries arising regarding this policy should be addressed to our CEO.


Zara Richards

1st May 2024

Our Locations

Samson Security HQ

National Command Centre
92 High Street, Wavertree
Liverpool  L15 8HQ

Samson Security Midlands

Suite 2A Blackthorn House
St Pauls Square
Birmingham B3 1RL

Samson Security ARC/RVRC

The Vaults, Deacon Park
Moorgate Road, Kirkby
L33 7RX

Company Number: 4112644
Registered at: England and North Wales

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