0345 4303 999


Samson Security aims to set the benchmark standard for health and safety in the Security Services Sector. This is not only our moral and legal duty, but it is commercially important for the success of the Company.

Our employees are our prime resource and work in a demanding and sometimes uncertain environment. Therefore we have to protect their well-being and provide safe systems and methods of work. 

Our Customers rely on us to provide trained and competent staff, in some case as part of their own overall health and safety arrangements. 

We recognise that this places a special responsibility on Samson Security and extends our duty of care to our Customers’ staff, visitors and members of the public. Thus we seek not just to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act and other relevant legislation but also to provide a health and safety framework that is genuinely supportive of our Customers’ own arrangements, as well as safeguarding the health and safety of our own employees. We also aim for continual improvement by using the channel of communications with our employees and our Customers to regularly review our performance. 

To ensure we meet all of our health and safety obligations, Samson will: 

  • Allocate sufficient resources to meet our health and safety objectives.

  • Provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from our work activities.

  • Consult with our employees and Customers on matters affecting health and safety.

  • Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.

  • Ensure safe handling of substances.

  • Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees.

  • Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training.

  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health.

  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions.

  • Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Zara Richards

28th January 2025

Our Locations

Samson Security HQ

National Command Centre
92 High Street, Wavertree
Liverpool  L15 8HQ

Samson Security Midlands

Suite 2A Blackthorn House
St Pauls Square
Birmingham B3 1RL

Samson Security ARC

National Command Centre
92 High Street, Wavertree
Liverpool  L15 8HQ

Company Number: 4112644
Registered at: England and North Wales

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